Closet Designs & More

4 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Closet

What’s the one place in your house that could do with some organizing? Most people would probably mention their closet. Your closet may be small in size but that doesn’t mean that you can’t pack a lot into it. Chances are there are shoes, accessories, blouses, pants, and purses all thrown together, creating a fashion disaster. While getting the most out of your closet space can be difficult, there is hope.

With these tips for closet organization in Marietta, you can achieve a perfectly organized space, no matter the size!


How To Get The Most Out Of Your Closet

1 – Don’t Be Afraid to Purge

Have you worn every item in your closet within the last month? What about the last year? Chances are you have pieces hanging that you haven’t looked at for quite some time. Instead of allowing these items to take up space, get rid of them! If something doesn’t fit or isn’t in style, why keep it in your closet? You can choose to donate or sell your used clothing to help clear out some space. Once all of the “good stuff” is left hanging up, you’ll find it much easier to organize. Plus, it makes getting ready in the mornings so much easier!

2 – Prioritize Your Needs

What is it that you need your closet to do? If you don’t have a dresser, you may need it to have space for your shorts, t-shirts, and swimming suits. Depending on your style, you may need some higher hanging racks to accommodate your dresses. No matter what your needs are, it’s important to figure them out before you start organizing. Otherwise, you’ll be left with a non-functional closet once again.

3 – Get Creative

Once you’ve purged and established exactly what it is that you need your closet to do, it’s time to move everything out and start organizing. You’ll have to get creative when it comes to utilizing your space. You may need to add shelving, rods, or cubbies. Be sure to install them according to the heights that you need.

4 – Don’t Forget About the Top and Bottom

The floor of your closet and top-shelf are probably the most under-utilized spaces in your closet. When used wisely, they can offer a ton of extra space. Use baskets or boxes to hold extra clothing items up on the top shelf. Then, purchase shoe racks or additional shelving to put on the floor. You’ll find that you have more space than you realized when you properly use the top and bottom of your closet.

It’s easy to keep your space clean and organized when you have the right closet ideas in Marietta. If after reading this you’re still stuck and unable to make your space work for you, don’t be afraid to call in the professionals! The experts at Closet Designs and More have the expertise and experience needed to turn your closet into a well-organized space.