5 Brilliant Back-to-School Closet Organization Ideas
Nobody wants to start the school year playing “catch up” on day one. Our custom closet design team recommends that Atlanta parents start their annual closet cleanout in late summer. This gives you time to focus on closet organization, and get everything exactly the way it should be before you’ve even received your child’s back to school shopping list.
Here are some easy tips you can use right now to improve your child’s closet and prepare for the new school year!

Start Before Doing Laundry
It’s typically easiest to organize a closet when some of the clothing has already been removed. Wait until you’re about halfway to laundry day, then tackle your child’s closet. After laundry day rolls around, you can practice putting everything back where it belongs to make sure you still like the new system. Make final adjustments after laundry day when you can see the full extent of your child’s wardrobe.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Go through clothing your child has outgrown and make two piles: one for hand-me-downs and another for donations. Younger children will be glad to have “new” clothes – and you’ll be glad to save on this year’s school clothing budget! By donating the rest, it can be put to good use in another home. Some charities even support good causes. Choose one that fits your mission so you can feel good about dropping off discards.
Organize Your Child’s Clothes
While custom closets are a great way to keep your child’s space clean by default, there is a lot you can do with their closet in as-is condition. Try to organize shirts by color so they’re easy to pair with coordinating pants or skirts in the morning. If you can, try to pick the entire week’s outfits in advance. Label each day’s clothes with the day of the week on the hanger. This will make it easy for your child to dress themselves in the morning without any fuss so you can get out the door quickly!
Stomp Out Shoe Clutter
Avoid throwing shoes in a pile on the floor. Angled shoe organizers can do a lot for any size closet. Line footwear up according to style and season so shoes worn more often are easiest to reach. Specialty shoes (dress shoes, band sneakers, dance shoes, etc.) can all be tucked safely away on a lower shelf. Keep socks nearby so your child can easily grab what they need to get ready. Our custom closet accessories can be tailored to fit just about any space, so be sure to ask about additional components that will help keep your children on track this school year.
Backpack Organization
Messy bags often spill out into the spaces around them. We recommend using Marie Kondo’s methods to organize your child’s backpack. This is even a great activity you and your child can complete together. First, take everything out of the bag. Then, determine which items your child needs and does not need. Be sure to thank items you no longer need, as they have served you well. After that, you can place everything back in the backpack – but do so in categories so things are easy to locate. A thin pencil case is a great way to keep small items contained so they don’t litter the bottom of the bag. This should help your child stay on task during the school day and might even help them get excited to use their backpack more often!
Shared Spaces
If your children share a bedroom or closet space, find ways to separate their things. This will help each child feel like they have their own personal area so there is less debate about which items belong to whom. This could be as simple as adding drawer dividers to a shared wardrobe or giving each child their own shelf in the closet just for “their” things. If there are shared items, designate a space for those, too. This should cut back on arguments so you can enjoy just a little more peace and quiet at the start of your day.
When it comes to organizing your child’s closet, a few simple details can go a long way. Get your child involved in as much of the organization process as possible so they understand the reason it is important to keep things tidy. This is a great bonding opportunity, too, as you go on this journey together. Back to school preparation goes much more smoothly with a custom closet organization solution from us!
For expert advice, you can also contact our team to get professional closet design and organization systems right here in Atlanta! We’ll help you declutter without any of the hassle. Now that’s easy.